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Eco Materials

The main criteria of sustainable materials is to ultimately reduce its impact on the environment. This can be seen from every step of the production cycle, stemming from the very ingredients through to when it gets broken down and reused back in to the consumer system again. Sustainable materials should be completely recycled or raw. Even though the product may be eco-friendly, the production process itself should also create a small carbon footprint.

It's important that a product can become part of a system where its life cycle can either be reused or enriching to the environment.

Sustainable for brands

Sustainable packaging is being pushed more by the newer generations and as a result, more eco friendly solutions are being engineered at a much faster rate. The popularity for greener materials has become a trend statement and as a result, more of the big brands are switching to eco-materials and packaging.

As technology is developing at such speed, more eco friendly options are becoming available to retailers and in turn, making it easier to reduce their carbon footprint.

The presence of social media has helped enormously in battling down non-eco brands by publicly shaming the biggest culprits. There is such a vast array of sustainable options available to both retailers and consumer that there are fewer excuses to use materials that are damaging to the environment.

Sourcing eco-friendly packaging is more expensive than buying in products that are harmful to the environment. KIIJO is a startup venture founded by two poor souls, yet, are happy to disburse on the extra costs to help the ecosystem. We are almost there with totally reducing our carbon footprint but continue to work with our suppliers and manufacturers to create a full system that contains little to no harmful materials to the environment.