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Wrapping for PR's

1 min read

I’ve been training quite consistently since my teenage years but never really seriously, more so as a hobby. It’s only been in the last few years that I’ve actually stepped it up and trained for a goal. I used to skip the compound lifts and a lot of the free-weight exercises in favour of the weight assisted machines. Yes, I know that’s pretty sad but my training was more for convenience rater than functionality back then. Since taking the leap to explore the milder side of powerlifting, I’ve discovered a whole part of training I didn’t realise the benefits of - and I love it!

KIIJO - Wrist Wraps

I’ve been persistently improving on my lifts or you could say it’s more so contributing from ‘newbie gains’ but either way, it’s arousing those lovely endorphins. As I’ve not really trained for performance before, I find that the progression I’m making is limited to the areas that take time to strengthen such as the smaller muscle groups and joints. I have however, begun strengthening these areas in my training.

KIIJO - Wrist Wraps

I was lucky enough to be given some trial products from KIIJO to test which have been steadily improving my progression. The first, are knee and elbow sleeves. There is a knack to getting these on but once you do, it transforms your lifts, probably because it makes you feel spring-loaded. Not including that particular element which some purists may despise as cheating, the stability you gain from them is well worthwhile. I also tried the wrist wraps which protects from unintentionally over extending your wrists on presses, thus, minimising the risk of injury.